Changing Thickness of Materials

Episode Number

In this A Cabinet Vision Minute, I explain how to use the Material Manager to change the thickness of Panel Stock.  

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Submitted byDavid Henry Bowman (not verified) on Thu, 03/04/2021 - 10:49

Do you offer online CV traing via team viewer? I'm new to using CV and so far have only used it for cabinets. Waht I am interested in is experimenting with it for interior passage doors. I'm guessing it would not be too difficult to convert a box into a door jamb by removing the back, turining the material into solid wood and adding a rabbit joint where the top joins the sides fo rthe head. As far as the doors goes I'm guessing I can make it 1.75" thick in the materials editor. I have not forund a 4" x 4" barrel hinge option and did not know if it is easy to create one of down load one already made. If you think this is all possible and can do the training online pleas call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX Thanks, david

Submitted byBruce Chezem on Thu, 01/25/2024 - 12:12

In reply to by David Henry Bowman (not verified)

Hi David,

Yes, we're all about training meant to help you become more productive not only with Cabinet Vision itself but also with all the work processes in and around Cabinet Vision. 

For example, we'll help you to organize your material manager and materials schedule...not only to make selections more efficient but also to help your purchasing department to order the proper and intended materials for a given job or batch of jobs.

We also have developed some incredible data add-ons for Cabinet Vision such as the Cost-Plus Bid Center.  The Cost-Plus Bid Center gives you the ability to create complete and accurate bids without having to draw a single wall or cabinet.  I know, right?  It sounds too good to be true.

Also, I'm putting together a Patreon page.  There you can watch topical Cabinet Vision videos and other useful content to help you become more efficient and productive with Cabinet Vision.



Submitted bysaeed (not verified) on Tue, 01/21/2025 - 01:23

I have an important question that I have not been able to find the answer to. After creating a new material and making changes to the Material Schedule, I went back to the previous projects. I noticed that the previous projects do not accept these changes. For example, the material that I just deleted and does not exist at all, is still being modified in my cabinet. It seems that the changes made in the previous projects are not being applied. How do I fix this problem?

A couple of things....

It sounds like you need to run the Update Job utility.  From the main menu, under the Utilities tab, select Update Job.  Check the box for materials.  It most cases, that'll correct the materials problem you described.

The other thing is more of a suggestion than anything else.  I don't recommend deleting materials ( or deleting anything for that matter ) in Cabinet Vision.  Instead, I recommend just placing them "out of service" by renaming the material ( or whatever ) by placing an "x" in front of the old name.  For example, 3/4 Apple Ply becomes x3/4 Apple Ply.  By doing that, it gets sent to the "bottom of the list" but still retains any otherwise useful information about that now out of service material.

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