CV Minute

A Cabinet Vision Minute podcast episode

A Simple Laminate Countertop

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Countertops can be an exercise in frustration in Cabinet Vision. Bruce shares some of his own frustrations about managing countertops in Cabinet Vision. And, he helps eliminate some of yours.

Skip ahead to timecodes below to get to the good stuff...

00:00 Introduction

08:07 Construction Method setup

11:15 Material Schedule setup

13:56 Editing the shape and edges

17:30 Elevation and Section scene editing and drawing

Cost-Plus Bid Center and the Estimator's Toolbox - Part II

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In this second of a two-part series on practical bidding and estimating techniques using Cabinet Vision, the Cost-Plus Bid Center and the Estimator's Toolbox, Bruce demonstrates a very fast and accurate method of estimating a high-end kitchen for an apartment in San Francisco without laying out walls...a COMPLETE No-Draw Bid with Cabinet Vision 2023.

How to make a No-Draw "Quick Bid" in Cabinet Vision

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See Episode 023 of A Cabinet Vision Minute for the Complete No-Draw Bid Process.

Download a very handy tool to help you expedite this Quick Bid process.  Scroll down to the end of the text below to find the download link.

In this video, Bruce explains how to create a "Quick Bid" using the Cost Plus Bid Center package available from the Craftsman Engineering Online Store ...all without drawing a single wall and without drawing any cabinets.

Using Shadowline

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Bruce discusses setting up a Shadowline construction method using extruded aluminum channel.  Shadowline is a new feature to Cabinet Vision which was introduced to Core: Cabinets in Cabinet Vision 2021.

Extruded channel resources:

  • Hafele 126.36.950
  • Hettich 9995910 ( 52mm )
  • Hettich 9995920 ( 42mm )